Certified Pre-K: 4 Years Old
OBJECTIVE: Graduate knowing numbers, colors, shapes, ABC’s, days of the weeks, months of the year, write their name, manners, responsibility, sharing, cooperation, know good choices, and be ready for Kindergarten.
NEEDS: Structured classroom study time and playtime. Age appropriate rules. Freedom for self-expression.
CURRICULUM: Texas Ready Pre-K Program. Memorize and be able to pick out colors, shapes and letters. Write their name. Know their home address, phone number, mom’s and dad’s name. Be responsible for toys, cleanup and actions.
CENTER PROVIDES: AISD Accredited Pre-K Teachers. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. Graduation ceremony with family and friends invited to attend.
PARENT PROVIDES: 2 sets of clothes, small blanket, backpack and pay for graduation cap and gown.
We clean and sanitize as needed during the day and before each teacher goes home.
What Your Child Will Know When Entering Kindergarten
Recall his or her first and last name and the names of family members.
- Recognize and name the following colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black and white.
- Recognize and name the following simple shapes: square, triangle, circle, rectangle and oval.
- Recognize and name numbers from 1 to 10.
- Count from 1 to 10.
- Understand the use of ordinal numbers (i.e., first, second, third).
- Recognize and name most upper- and lowercase letters.
- Identify parts of his or her body, and basic articles of clothing (e.g., hat, shoes, shirt).
- Identify familiar buildings (e.g., school, store, hospital).
- Understand general time concepts (e.g., yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week).
- Follow simple two-step directions.